


In the United States, an average of 1 in 10 babies was born too early between 2020-2022, just over 14 percent of those to Black women. Babies born before 37 weeks are not only smaller than full-term babies, they’re also at higher risk for developing long-term health conditions that can last their entire lives.

Preventing preterm birth can help your baby to live a long and healthy life. Start things right by going to your first prenatal care visit as soon as you think you are pregnant and talk to your doctor about your health and pregnancy needs. If you know the risks, you can get your baby treatment as early as possible.

It’s also important to know the health problems that can be caused by preterm births:

  1. Premature babies have an increased risk of respiratory issues. As their lungs aren’t fully developed, they’re unable to expand and contract as they should when breathing. This means that your baby may have difficulty breathing on their own.
  2. Some studies suggest that children born prematurely may face difficulties in learning and academic performance later in life. This can mean that they require special schooling and special supportive services, which can be expensive.
  3. Premature birth can lead to long-term intellectual and developmental conditions for babies. Your child may find it hard to complete everyday tasks on their own, or they may miss important developmental milestones. This can include problems with physical development, learning, communication with others, getting along with others, and taking care of themselves.
  4. Breathing problems, like asthma and BPD (Bronchopulmonary dysplasia), can be caused by a premature birth. These are long-term lung conditions that will affect your baby’s whole life and will need to be treated with medications. A preterm baby that develops BPD will also need a longer stay in the hospital after birth because the baby will have trouble breathing on its own.
  5. Premature birth can cause long-term behavioral conditions, such as ADHD or anxiety, or neurological disorders, such as cerebral palsy. Premature birth is also linked to autism. All of these long-term conditions may mean that your child will require extra care.
  6. In 2021, 14.8% of all infant deaths were due to preterm-related causes. The complications of preterm birth can be deadly for your child.

Early prenatal care is one of the easiest ways to lower your risk of a premature birth and gives your child the best chance at a healthy life.