Search the videos below for questions you have about your body and baby.
Brittini Carter
How much weight should I be gaining during my pregnancy?
Candice W. Jones, MD
How can I find culturally competent providers?
#Access to Healthcare #Appointments & testing #Birthing while black
Brittini Carter
How do I know if I have postpartum depression, and what do I do?
Candice W. Jones, MD
How soon should I start looking for a pediatrician?
Brenda Francis
What advice do you have for new mothers who are single?
Candice W. Jones, MD
What happens if I have a low birthweight baby? How can it be prevented?
Brittini Carter
What if I can't afford a mental health professional?
Brittini Carter
What advice do you have for Black women navigating pregnancy?
Brittini Carter
What's one of the most important things you want Black women to know?