ionicons-v5-a Meet the experts

Ann McLeod

Adjunct Professor in Nursing, Registered Nurse Consultant, RN, MSN, FNP

Ann supervises and consults with Registered Nurses (RNs) who provide compassionate and intense home care services to pregnant mothers and babies to help reduce the risk of infant mortality.

What do you enjoy about your job?
Being a part of the client’s success stories, whether it’s a pregnancy, birth, graduation, obtaining an education. My job feels like family away from home. I enjoy using motivational interviewing to create a platform for change in clients and reflective supervision to bring to light hidden talents and skills out the best in clients and staff members.

Why are you supporting Strong Beautiful Future?
It’s all about building and sustaining community relationshipseducating and empowering clients to be involved in their care and health at every level.  What better method to educate, forge relationships, answer questions, do outreach, empower and strengthen our women of color, and to bring awareness to the public.

What is one fun or interesting thing about you?
I am assertive, not aggressive. I love people and teaching is my passion.

Is there anything else people might be interested to know about you?
Passionate and strong Black woman!

Want to hear what Ann McLeod, had to say to help keep you and your baby healthy?